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Autos & Vehicles
Country / Language
United States
YouTube ID
Oldest video
8 Dec 2023
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Channel description
Thanks for stopping by! This is my second channel, so if you haven't already, please feel free to check out my main channel. The reason I started this channel is because I would like the opportunity to post a wider variety of content that might not suit the audience of my main channel. My main channel consists of mostly "task-oriented" long-format videos that take quite some time to film and edit, and therefore I can't post as frequently as I would like to. This channel will be a mix of MANY different topics and likely much shorter videos. The videos here may not be as highly-edited, so you may find they have a different vibe. I have learned from the advice of others, and doing my own research, that not sticking to a "niche" on Youtube can really hurt your channels growth. The algorithm doesn't know who to show your videos to, if you don't stick to a general category. So that's why this second channel was born! I'm really looking forward to expressing myself even more on this channel!


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Thanks for stopping by! This is my second channel, so if you haven't already, please feel free to check out my main channel. The reason I started this channel is because I would like the opportunity to post a wider variety of content that might not suit the audience of my main channel. My main channel consists of mostly "task-oriented" long-format videos that take quite some time to film and edit, and therefore I can't post as frequently as I would like to. This channel will be a mix of MANY different topics and likely much shorter videos. The videos here may not be as highly-edited, so you may find they have a different vibe. I have learned from the advice of others, and doing my own research, that not sticking to a "niche" on Youtube can really hurt your channels growth. The algorithm doesn't know who to show your videos to, if you don't stick to a general category. So that's why this second channel was born! I'm really looking forward to expressing myself even more on this channel!